Februari 25, 2009



1.Anda bisa mengatur pointer mouse sesuai keinginan dengan membuka tab Pointer dalam menu Mouse di Control Panel. Klik Browse untuk mencari pointer yang sesuai keinginan Anda.

2.Untuk menampilkan daftar dokumen yang terakhir diakses di Start Menu pada Windows XP Home Edition, klik kanan pada tombol Start dan pilih Properties. Klik Customize, buka tab Advanced dan enable option List my most recently opened documents.

3.Jika Anda ingin agar tampilan Windows Explorer terbuka penuh hingga menutupi taskbar, tekan tombol F11.

4.Anda bisa membuat shortcut key atau penekanan tombol tertentu untuk mengakses sebuah program. Caranya, klik kanan icon program tersebut dan pilih Properties. Buka tab Shortcut dan tentukan tombol mana yang Anda gunakan untuk mengakses program tersebut. Secara otomatis Windows akan menambahkan tombol Ctrl+Alt+ pilihan Anda sebagai shortcut key.

5.Urutkan secara alfabet, semua program yang ada di Start Menu untuk memudahkan pengaksesan. Caranya, klik Start|All Programs, klik kanan salah satu program yang ada dan pilih Sort by Name.

6.Munculkan penampakan icon indikator koneksi broadband atau dial-up pada system tray untuk mempermudah kontrol. Caranya, buka My Network Places, pilih View Networks Connections, klik kanan koneksi yang Anda gunakan dan pilih Properties. Ubah option Show icon in notofication area when connected menjadi enable.

7.Anda bisa mengedit Start Menu sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Baik menambah, mengurangi, atau bahkan mengubah namanya. Caranya, klik kanan Start dan pilih Open atau Open All Users. Atur setiap shortcut yang tersedia sesuai kebutuhan.

8.Anda bisa membuka beberapa program secara bersamaan dengan menekan tombol Shift, sementara mengklik program yang ada dalam Start Menu.

9.Untuk menghilangkan nama icon pada desktop, klik kanan icon tersebut, dan pilih Rename. Tekan tombol Alt dan numeric key 255. Kemudan tekan Enter.

10.Anda bisa menghilangkan tanda panah pada icon shortcut di desktop. Caranya, masuk ke registry editor dengan mengetik “regedit” tanpa tanda petik di kotak dialog Start|Run. Masuk ke dalam direktori HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Lnkfile. Hapus value IsShortcut. 85


11.Daftar Shortcut.
Berikut ini beberapa shortcut yang paling banyak digunakan saat bekerja sehari-hari menggunakan Windows.
[Windows] + [L] Lock komputer
[Windows] + Menampilkan Utility Manager
[Windows] + [R] Menampilkan Run
[Windows] + [F] Menampilkan window pencarian
[Windows] + [E] Membuka My Computer
[Windows] + [D] Mematikan atau mengaktifkan ToggleDesktop
[Windows] + [M] Minimize semua window
[Windows] + [Shift] + [M] Restore semua window yang di-minimize
[Windows] + [Ctrl] + [F] Mencari komputer dalam jaringan
[Windows] + [F1] Menampilkan halaman Help
[Windows] + [Break] Memunculkan window System Properties
[Windows] + [Tab] Scroll tombol di Taskbar
Jika Anda menggunakan keyboard lama yang tidak dilengkapi dengan tombol Windows, gunakan paduan tombol Ctrl + Esc.

12.Anda bisa meng-enable atau disable grouping beberapa file dalam satu program. Caranya, klik kanan taskbar dan pilih Properties. Beri atau hilangkan tanda centang pada option Groups similar taskbar button.

13.Anda bisa menghilangkan atau menampilkan icon di desktop dengan mengklik kanan desktop dan memilih Arrange Icons By|Show Desktop Icons.

14.Anda bisa membuat custom toolbar dengan mengklik kanan taskbar, memilih Toolbars|New Toolbar. Atur sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, misalnya menjadikan My Documents sebagai toolbar di taskbar supaya mudah dan cepat diakses.

15.Klik kanan Start Menu, pilih Properties, jika tidak menggunakan Classic Start Menu, klik Customize dan buka tab Advanced. Ada beberapa munu yang bisa diaktifkan dengan memberi tanda centang pada option yang ada. Mulai dari Scroll Programs hingga memunculkan penampakan beberapa fitur dalam Start Menu.

16.Anda bisa membuka sebuah situs tanpa membuka browser terlebih dahulu. Caranya, ketikkan alamat lengkap situs yang hendak dibuka di kotak dialog Start|Run. Misalnya www.phartoe.co.cc Kemudian tekan Enter.

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Februari 09, 2009

Top 10 ways to charm a woman

Top 10 ways to charm a woman

How can you charm a woman? Do they like a daily check-in phone call? Does she secretly wish you'd text her in the middle of the day for no reason but to make her smile? Do they prefer expensive dinners to home-cooked meals? Rock-hard abs? Flowers for no reason? Identifying women's turn-ons is complicated, because they all react differently. Some women you wish came with owner's manuals so you knew exactly how they were wired. Luckily, I've done most of the legwork for you and I am happy to pass this knowledge on to you.

1.Be aware.
This means cracking open more than the sports section on the daily paper. Be up on current events and learn the difference between feelings, emotions and thoughts. Women are emotional beings and tend to think things through.

2.They are attracted to men who are as smart or smarter.
They are attracted to men who are as smart or smarter than them, and your knowledge of worldly matters will demonstrate your intelligence.

3.Demonstrate humor.
Women love a man who can make them laugh. Now don't fret here if you're not a stand-up comedian. We all have a certain type of humor. You can be dry, sarcastic, hilariously funny, quick-witted or dark. Being able to poke fun at yourself and just plain old being goofy is a turn-on for women. Keep in mind that all women are not attracted to the same type of humor, so if you don't vibe, just walk away and try someone else.

4.Have passion.
A guy who lives his life with gusto is incredibly appealing. When you speak to a woman about your life, your travels, your job, your interests, speak with passion. That passion about who you are will turn her on instantly. She will start to imagine what it will be like when you are involved with her and how passionate you will speak about her.

5.Be considerate.
Pay attention to the little things and look for opportunities to make small gestures that show you care. A simple "How was your day?" and being able to listen to her when she wants to discuss something are huge. So many men forget about simple things like holding the door, paying for her valet or just thanking her for a great time last night. Women are all about a guy with manners -she is not attracted to the dope who acts like a caveman.

6.Be honest.
Share who you are by telling her something personal. Maybe share one of your favorite childhood memories or some personal growth that you have been going through. Something that will show her that you are a trusting and honest person. It also shows that you are a confident but vulnerable man. Women love to see the vulnerable side of you. Note: Don't talk about an ex in a bad way here. If you have to talk about an ex, do so in a positive manner and share what you learned and how you grew from the relationship.

7.Be flexibel.
Be open to her plans but surprise her with your flexibility. Take charge and surprise her with a fun night out. Instead of being the typical guy who makes a reservation, think about how you can be the guy who listens to her and plans a great date that she did not expect. If you can pull this off, she will be open to all sorts of advances from you.

8.Be positive.
If you are positive about life, it shows in your actions. I always tell men to be extra nice to waiters, bartenders and other service people. Be a courteous driver when she's in the car. When you are in line at the movies, don't complain. Look for the humor and try to have fun with people all around you. Be positive about everything, and she will find you to be very sexy and alluring. No one wants to be with a negative hothead.

9.Be balanced.
Women love a successful, ambitious man. They love that you work hard, but if you constantly put work ahead of her she will become turned off. She will start to imagine what life with you will be like with her needs being ignored. If you are out meeting women to date, you need to balance your life between work and play. This will be a major turn-on for her.
Have ambition.
Men who are ambitious about what they do are a turn-on to women. It doesn't matter if you choose to be a rich stock trader or a painter, as long as you are passionate about who you are and what you do. If you don't love what you do, find something that really turns you on. You can't attract the woman you want with a negative ambition. Women love a man who is the best at what he does.

10.Be attentive.
You are out with her for the very first time, and she tells you she loves a certain type of music. On the next date take her to a lounge that plays that type of music. It is all about paying attention to the details and working on your listening skills.

This list of 10 things will work in most cases. Keep in mind there is always the woman who you just can't seem to please. If you happen to cross paths with this type of woman, ask yourself, "Why would I want to be with a woman who is so difficult?"

I tend to avoid the difficult, judgmental women. Knowing women's turn-ons and putting them into practice will help you identify women who may be relationship material. You need to realize that you want to attract and turn on the women that are attracted to you on an equal level!

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